Easter Lily How-to Care - Visit the plant experts at Platt Hill Nursery

In the spring, y'all're bound to see an Easter lily (or several!) in homes across Illinois. These elegant white flowers are deeply meaningful in the Christian faith, normally found in churches and places of worship, to gloat their namesake vacation.

If one of these famous flowers finds its mode into your home this jump, refer to this intendance guide to assistance you proceed it healthy and blooming long subsequently Easter Sunday!


Bringing Easter Lilies Dwelling house

Whether your lily came from the store or a gracious friend, your beginning step after taking it habitation is to become information technology settled in. To continue your lily blooming as long as possible, follow these steps every bit soon equally you walk in the door:

  • Check that decorative wrap or foil has drainage: Greenhouse staff members can add a drainage hole to your foil earlier wrapping.
  • Remove any fading flowers: If your lily has blooms on it that announced to be on their last legs (or petals, as it may be), pinch them off to encourage more free energy to go into emerging blooms.
  • Remove the anthers (optional): The anthers are the yellow parts of the bloom that hold the pollen. Some folks believe removing the anthers prolongs the blooming flow, only this has been proven to be a myth. Notwithstanding, removing them might extend the life of any white table runners most your lily, equally the pollen is known to stain!


The Right Low-cal for Your Lily

Easter lilies love lite, but they're also fairly vulnerable to estrus. The platonic location for your lily is an area with bright, indirect sunlight. A window with a sheer curtain offers an excellent source of filtered light, merely you can as well place your constitute in close view of the window just outside of the sunbeams that trickle in.

These lilies appreciate a cooler surroundings since they're a jump-bloomer that is all-time adapted to mild, temperate weather. They'll fare best in an expanse with a temperature betwixt 60-68˚F, abroad from whatever vents or radiators.

Watering Easter Lilies

Easter lilies respond amend to less frequent waterings than they do to more than frequent ones. Permit the soil surface to abound dry to the touch before watering once again, but don't permit the soil to dry out birthday. Cheque the soil daily to come across whether information technology'southward time for a potable!


Caring for Easter Lily Bulbs After Flowering

After your plant has finished blooming for the yr, you can continue to relish it exterior in your garden! Easter lilies are bulbs, just like tulips and daffodils, and their care is very similar. To plant your lily bulb outside, follow these steps:

  • Get-go, await until the risk of frost has passed. These bulbs don't fare well with frosty weather!
  • Plant in a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Ideally, the planting location should likewise savour some shade in the late afternoon when the lord's day is at its hottest. Water well and utilize a dose of water-soluble, all-purpose garden fertilizer.
  • After planting, utilize organic mulch effectually the base of the plant. The mulch will keep the roots cool in the summer, and protect them from the cold in the winter. Over time, the mulch volition also interruption downward and add together nutrients to the soil.
  • Permit the leaves to die dorsum. Your seedling may dice back soon after planting; don't panic! Get out the plant lonely, and you'll likely see new shoots emerging in the summer. It may even "rise from the dead" for a second blooming period before the autumn—it is called the Easter lily, after all!
  • Cut spent stems in tardily autumn. Await for the leaves to die back completely before giving your lily a fall clean-upward .
  • Be patient. Even if your constitute doesn't rebloom this year, it should return to greet you next twelvemonth with a fresh ready of leaves and blooms. Many Easter lily bulbs are generally winter-hardy to zone 5, and so with a generous layer of mulch, these cultivars should have no trouble surviving winters in the Chicagoland area. Check out our bulb planting chart for information on planting other bulbs.


When your lily pokes its shoots out to greet you adjacent year, welcome information technology back with another dose of all-purpose garden fertilizer! Your bulb will happily join you once again for another yr of beautiful, trumpet-shaped blooms.

Ready to choice upward an Easter lily of your own? We carry healthy, blooming stock at our Bloomingdale and Carpentersville plant nursery locations all throughout the Easter season. End in before long to visit our plants and encounter who else is blooming for early leap!

Platt Colina Plant nursery is Chicago's premier garden middle and nursery.

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Source: https://platthillnursery.com/how-to-take-care-of-your-easter-lily/

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